(Above is a screen shot of my score. This post is for everyone who are happy for me for getting that.)

About NMAT

          The National Medical Admission Test (NMAT) is an instrument designed to upgrade the selection of applicants seeking admission to Philippine medical schools. It evolved from a widespread concern to screen qualified candidates aspiring for a medical degree. It intends to improve the quality of medical education in the country and envisions to elevate the medical profession to a level of competence through a careful evaluation of student potentials for future medical studies.

          Pursuant to the Medical Act of 1959, the Board of Medical Education (BME), under DECS Order No. 52 series 1985 and in consultation with the Association of Philippine Medical Colleges (APMC), required the NMAT as a prerequisite for admission in all medical schools nationwide beginning school year 1986 - 1987.

          The Center for Educational Measurement, Inc. (CEM) has been authorized to manage the affairs and activities related to the operation of the NMAT since the first administration of the test in December 1985. With CEM’s experience as an educational testing agency, it was commissioned to develop the NMAT, ensure the reliability and validity of the test and uphold the confidentiality of results and integrity of its administration.


          Part I of the NMAT yields five scores, one for each of the four aptitude subtests and their summative score, the APT Composite. Similarly, Part II yields five scores, one for each of the four special subject areas and their summative score, the SA Composite. The General Performance Score, or GPS, is the summative score derived from the eight subtests. Click here to view an image of the Examinee Report Form (ERF) on which the NMAT scores are printed.

          The results on the test are converted to standard scores from normalized scales which have points ranging from 200 to 800 and midpoints of 500. These scales were mathematically derived from the NMAT performance of the norm group. The test, therefore, is norm-referenced. The test results of examinees are automatically compared to those of the norm group which has mean scores of 500 (coincident to the midpoint 500) and a standard deviation of 100. In addition, a percentile rank scale was generated specifically for the General Performance Score (GPS) for purposes of ranking. This scale has points ranging from 1- to 99+, with a midpoint of 50 which-corresponds to the midpoint of 500 in the normalized standard score scales.
An examinee’s raw score or number of correct answers in a subtest is converted to its equivalent standard score. The eight subtests have a common normalized scale. This makes possible the comparison of reported scores across the eight subtests.

          The APT Composite and SA Composite are the summative raw scores of Part I and Part II, respectively, which are then converted to their equivalent standard scores from a common normalized scale. The General Performance Score (GPS) is the summative raw score of the eight subtests which is converted to its equivalent standard score and corresponding percentile rank. Thus, the three standard scores are independent scores although they yield to the same interpretation of standard scores and percentile ranks.

(copied from cem website)

They said I killed the test. I say... Am guilty as charged.


  1. I can only understand the percentile rank 99.00

    So i guess congratulations is in order? right doc?

  2. omg omg omg.. ang taas. :D go go ayee. you will be a great doctor. :))

  3. yeah! wow! as expected :)) congrats ate ayee. alhamdulillah..



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