How Much is the MOOE of Your School?

public school

The plight of the teachers in public schools have been an interest of mine since I have an experience in volunteering for a public high school a few years ago. I have many friends who are teachers. My mother is a teacher. Compared to other professions, I haven't heard more complaints than from public school teachers.

One of the topics that is shrouded in mystery is the MOOE (maintenance and other operating expenses).

What is MOOE?

The Maintenance and Other Operating Expenses (MOOE) is the allocated funds for public elementary and secondary schools that can be spent on activities and necessities (i.e. electricity and water) that support learning programs and help maintain a safe and healthy environment in schools.

Do you know that in accordance with RA 9485 (Anti-Red Tape Act of 2007), schools are mandated by law to have a Transparency Board on MOOE posting all school expenditures using the allocated funds? But is this practiced in ARMM, in Lanao del Sur specifically?

I tried looking for information on how much are the MOOEs of public schools in Lanao del Sur. I found a data set in the DepEd website but the spreadsheet file does not include a single school in ARMM. What I found however are the MOOE of senior high schools in the year 2016. 

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How is the MOOE allocation of schools computed?

The Boncodin Formula:

School’s MOOE = Fixed amount + (Allowable amount x Number of Classrooms) + (Allowable amount x Number of Teachers) + (Allowable amount x Number of Learners)

There are two components in the formula, the fixed and variable costs. The fixed amounts for every Elementary School would be P40,000 and for High School P80,000. The variable costs are the following:

Basis                                   Elementary School             High School
Every Classroom                        P3,000                          P6,000
Every Teacher                             P4,000                          P8,000
Every Learner                             P200                               P400

For example, High School A has 400 enrollees, 10 teachers, and 10 classrooms:

Applying the fomula, the school’s MOOE would be:

P80,000 + (P6,000 x 10) + (P8,000 x 10) + (P400 x 400) = P380,000

*There are cases however when the proposals derived from the Boncodin’s formula will be constrained due to the department’s budget calling.


1. Do you know how much is the MOOE of your school?
2. Does your school head disclose where the fund goes?
3. Do you have a Transparency Board on MOOE?
4. If none, what are you waiting for? Demand your right to know where the money goes!
